Saturday, September 10, 2011

Who am I? I’m kind of unsure. I know what I am. I’m a 20 year old black female but over the course of the years I have come to realize that what I am does not define who am I. I’ll probably spend the rest of my life figuring who I am. It changes with everyday, with every experience, with every life lesson, etc. I don’t want to sound like one of those anal people that take simple questions and over analyze them and give over analyzed answers so I’ll answer with pure honesty.
I’m a documentary filmmaker at least I inspire to be one.  I haven’t made a documentary in a year or so which is disappointing on my part. I have a few strong ideas but I let other outside shit get in the way. That WILL change. I want to be able to make work that can touch the lives of my audience. It doesn’t need to be millions of people. I would be content with a small audience as long as my work touched someone (and helped pay the bills along the way). During my year break I got into teaching pre teens and teenagers the basics of filmmaking. It was a really good gig. I want to get back into it. When you’re a teacher, you make it your reasonability to open the minds of your students to the world around them. Media particularly plays a large role in our lives, whether we are conscience about it or not. As a teacher you strive to make your students more aware and make them see their potential as filmmakers, artists, or simply as people.  I got into blogging a few months back. My blog is .  It feels good to have a place where I can write and post whatever I want. The blog world is extremely influential and liberating.
Although I have embraced media and I am aware of its importance, I still think its pretty fucked up. It’s a hazard to its audience. People are often consumed by it. They are misguided. There needs to be a dominant voice of reason. I’m fearful for my generation and those that follow. There’s so much pressure to be something that doesn’t exist.  There are some kids out there that are raised by the television and internet. Its a scary thought because they are feed lies and myths about life and our society and there isn't anyone there to tell them its ok if you don't look, talk or act like this person. I know it sounds like a clique but I want to use media and film making as a tool to help people. To be a voice to my audience.  Who am I? I'm me. I hope that means something greater in the future to myself and to other people. 

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