Thursday, September 8, 2011

Child of the 90s

At first, I had little to no idea as to how to answer this question. The answer could potentially get very complex and personal, not to mention long. So in an effort to keep this short, and to not creep out my new classmates, I will focus on two phrases that I have used before to describe myself: "media junkie" and "child of the 90s". They sort of go hand in hand, since a lot of the things that shaped my 90s childhood has to do with media. I still rem
ember the theme song to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Daria, I remember wanting to be Kimberly, the pink Power Ranger, and (having nothing to do with media) I remember playing Pogs and (for whatever reason) being obsessed with Beanie Babies. I can only hope I will one day feel the same excitement I did when the Spice Girls came out with their second album.
Because I am not old enough, I cannot recall a time when only adults had cell phones, or when only a small handful of people had an e-mail address (or any internet connection at all). These things have been deeply ingrained into my life and I can't really remember a time without them. The other day, I had wandered into some weird little pocket of Chinatown when my phone suddenly stopped working. My first thought was, how will I communicate with anyone? What will I do without texting? I felt completely cut off from society. I was the last girl on earth. My second thought was, I don't know how to get back to the train without looking at Google Maps! I am completely dependent on technology. According to CBS News, some people are actually considering this an "addiction", and an "unhealthy obsession". While I don't really care to analyze whether or not I am addicted to technology, it is somewhat alarming that I practically went through withdrawal when I could no longer send text messages.

(image from

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