Saturday, September 10, 2011

My musings on growning up in Zanibar!

Did it work? If you read the first sentence then I've written a somewhat intriguing title. However you are about to be sourly disappointed. There is no truth to that title and it is indeed a horrible lie. Instead what remains is the daunting task of talking about myself, a topic I dread. Not because I am so intriguing only a full page entry will begin to describe me. No instead it is because I don't think people will find information about myself interesting. Self deprecating? Maybe. Will I change my ways? Absolutely not. Which now, only after one paragraph a conclusion can be made about me. I am stubborn.

That took great effort to divulge that. Can you even begin to fathom the length of space it would take to say more? My Lord you'd be here all night! So thus I will spare you that agony and make a statement about the picture of the woman with the caption "this is you". Well I can say with utmost certainty that is not me (in the actual picture) nor do I fit that image. I am the opposite of that kind of person. Any sort of stereotypical domestic housewife image I stay far away from. To provide you with a visual example of the stereotypical housewife image I am not enjoy the visual examples. And I do apologize for any pain reading this entry has caused you.

(image from:

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