Friday, November 4, 2011

Hey guess what? Our class is a local alternate news media source.

As men we sometimes act as if half of the world is not made up of women.
In the cut throat world that is the media industry we find that many of the women that have “made it” and established themselves in a position of authority do little or nothing to promote more women in the news media. Quoting from an article by sirman, it is believed that “that women can take a different role in the media but this is achievable through political means and says that women need to have more presence in the parliament.” In out country the parliament is congress. Women are too often portrayed as victims and it is rare that we will see stories citing the successes of women. The news media is very “Patriarchal” Patriarchy is defined as a political-social system that insists that males are inherently dominant over everything and everyone especially women. We see patriarchy demonstrated at giant corporations like Fox. Women are shown delivering “serious” news in mini skirts and lots of legs exposed. While doing this may titillate the male viewers. The viewers that tune in just to see the mini skirts will be easily distracted by the next better thing available. Research has shown that this sort of sensationalism does not keep a steady viewership. So facing an ever  dwindling viewership news agencies like Fox have to continually push the envelope.

As a man approaching this topic I found it very difficult. I had not a clue where to begin my research. So to get a jump start on what I could possibly write I did a yahoo search on “Alternative media women”. I was shocked at what the first result was our class. Yes Women and Media’s 2011 blog came up in the number one spot. Yes, who knew that our class was a source (local) for women to get news. (even though not so much now that the delicious tags are broken) And what is so great the women in our class are being empowered by our beloved professor Doris Cacoilo, to be proud of their status and to stand up for women's rights.
Professor Doris Cacoilo is an artist and educator. She is also the head of Gaia, a group of artists working together to help other women artists and they also support women’s issues. Prof Cacoilo has a MFA in Integrated Media Arts from Hunter College. She teaches at Hunter College and the New Jersey City University.
 Here is an excerpt from her artist’s statement. “My work emerges from an interest in systems: systems of creative practice and activism, systems of collaboration, and systems of power. In my screen-based work, performance, and sculpture, I explore issues of consumption, gender, labor and traditional power hierarchies. In many of my projects I involve interactive elements, objects, games and toys to allow the audience to arrive at the work from many different points of view, and at once open a dialogue which might be much more critical than the work might have led one to expect. Utilizing the power of humor and the everyday to attract viewer/participants who might otherwise disengage or turn away, I attempt to engage the public with work that can create a place for recognition and reflection of various types of systems.”


  1. Its funny I wasn't the only one, I also came across our blog when searching for alternative news Media, but yes you are right our blog stands as a testament of an alternative news source against the mainstream images and information that is constantly being exposed to us about our society.


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