Saturday, October 29, 2011

Project Proposal

For my project I would like to look at attitudes toward abortion in cultures that are predominant within the inner city. For the purpose of this project I will narrow the focus to African Americans and Hispanics. I am interested in the cultural perspectives of abortion within these nationalities and how they affect the actual rate of abortions in these groups. I am also interested in seeing how and if the media plays a role in the rate of abortions within these groups. Recently, anti-abortion campaigns have released a set of advertisements that are geared toward minorities. These advertisements have become extremely controversial and I would like to explore them further.

For this project I will be writing a research paper, because I feel that writing is one of my strong suits. However, I would like to use pictures that I find to help illustrate and cultural ideas that I find, as well as the advertisements that have been in circulation. As of yet, I have not narrowed down specific resources that I would like to use for the paper. I would like to use statistical resources, as well as personal accounts.

Here is an example of the advertisements that I wish to explore "The Most Dangerous Place for an African American Child is in the Womb"

NOTE: Professor Cacoilo, I tried emailing this to you but it never went through. I am unable to attend class today since the weather as limited the transportation options in my neighborhood. I will bring in the hard copy to the next class.

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