Saturday, October 15, 2011

I am not an object!

Many do not realize the effects that media has on the viewers. It’s as if we are being conditioned by the media to look and behave in a certain way. Advertisers decide what should be the look of a women, how she should dress, how her body should look, and even what her profession should be. As if we are dolls without any brain and so we need to be fashioned and told how to do it, because we are dumb!

These advertisements not only tell us how we should look and dress, but also tell us the level we are at comparing to a man. From some of the ads in Reading Images Critically - Douglas Kellner, women are seen as an object that has to surrender to the will of men. When men feel sexually active he goes to the women near him and she is to serve him or else will be forced weather she likes it or not. This shows no form of professionalism, is this what the media want?

Personally I myself never paid attention to how women are being portrayed in the media. But secretly in my teens I did want that type of skin, and dress in a way to attract. Relating to the documentary The Merchant of Cool, the girls were young and to little to understand the place we are given in the media, they “badly” want what the media tells them to be, as one girl said “I need to look good.” Girls in their early teens ask themselves if they are approachable. This type of “education” is what they get from what they see in the media.

Talk to you daughter before the beauty industry does. - Dove

Do you think I am fat?

What is the meaning of beauty, and who decides what beauty is? Why should I go through surgery to look like the person I am not? What are we teaching our future generation, that looks are more important than education? Billions of dollar are wasted in advertisement, while on the other hand our children can’t get a better education because we don’t have enough money to pay for education. According to the board foundation education 1.2 million students drop out of high school ever year, do anyone heed to this?

We’ve come to a point where we don’t care for humanity anymore but only dollar signs. Knowing the danger effects of smoking, the cigar industries couldn’t resist but to advertise cigar smoking as a form of masculinity and which also shows the men as a attraction for women. What’s even more absurd is that we live in a country where we “think” that it is a country of equality, while we are the victims of these crimes ourselves, and we don’t only do it to our people we also influence people all around the world. As Susan Douglas defined the characteristics of an American and of a Women, though the American is a Women but she still has a different definition for herself. Which shows that the definition of the American is the definition for men only.


  1. Nipa, this is a very informative post. I agree that advertisements have a greater effect on our daily lives than we think. I can relate to wanting to look or dress a certain way to seem more approachable due to what I've been exposed to through television and magazines. I especially liked the Dove video about the pressures of the media industry on beauty.

  2. Thanks Diana, I happy to know that it was informative.


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