Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Domestic Violence

A website with interviews of victims of domestic violence. Lots of resources regarding this growing phenomena. Very informative radio segment from the morning show "Street Soldiers" This website is hosted on my home computer, and uses a free domain name that I got from

I chose this topic because this topic has personally affected my life
Domestic violence was thrust into the forefront of American society when OJ Simpson allegedly murdered his wife.
Before that time police wouldn't care or pay much attention to domestic cases
This attitude has changed  a lot since.
Women now have lots of resources to help them in their situations and this website speaks and introduces some of these resources 

1 comment:

  1. Your website is really cool and it's clear you've put a lot of work in. I wish this had existed a few years ago when a grown educated female friend of mine was in an abusive relationship here in NYC but not yet really recognizing it.

    I'd love to see some links and phone numbers to the great "where to go/what to do" resources listed, something spacifically for teens and some resources for abusers, too. Sometimes guys see the error in their ways but don't know how to stop.


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